


进口液环真空泵-德国KAYSEN真空泵 GERMANY KAYSEN PUMP CO .,LTD 进口液环真空泵有单级、双级之分,以及单作用和双作用区别。单级和双级真空泵指其叶轮的级数;单/双作用...

  • 物品单位:
  • 品牌: KAYSEN
  • 货号: KS981059


货号 KS981059
用途 抽水、化工、制药、石油、冶金、染料、冶炼、电力、电镀、农药、造纸、食品、纺织等行业酸洗工艺、制酸制碱、喷漆工艺、有色金属冶炼中的电解液输送、离子膜项目中的氯水输送、废水处理、电镀、农药领域。
工作压差 0
压力环境 常压
介质温度 250℃
驱动方式 电动






















Water ring vacuum pump

Water ring vacuum pump

Liquid ring vacuum pump

Liquid ring vacuum pumps are available in single-stage, two-stage, single- and double-acting applications. The single-stage and two-stage vacuum pumps refer to the number of stages of the impeller; the single/double action refers to the form of the impeller/housing, the one-acting impeller vacuum pump impeller rotates once and the gas undergoes one suction/discharge; the double-acting vacuum pump rotates its impeller for one week. Inhalation and discharge of two gases.

main feature:

The liquid ring vacuum pump is a vacuum pump that performs a pumping motion by biasing the impeller in the pump chamber to periodically change the volume of the working chamber. Its working chamber consists of a rotating liquid ring and an impeller, and its structure and working principle are similar to those of a liquid ring compressor. The suction port is connected to the vacuumed container during operation.

If the pump chamber is filled with water, it is called a water ring vacuum pump. The temperature of the gas to be pumped is preferably 0 to 40 °C. Circulating water should not contain impurities. The pumping rate of the water ring vacuum pump ranges from 0.25 to 500 meters (/hour; the ultimate pressure: 8 x 10 for single-pole pumps (~2 x 10 (Pa, double pump 2 x 10 (~1 x 10 (Pa). The water ring vacuum pump is mainly used for vacuum distillation, vacuum drying and water pumping.

The main advantage:

● Motor direct connection design, saving space, simple structure and convenient maintenance

●All are equipped with cavitation protection tube interface

●The liquid ring vacuum pump is equipped with stainless steel impeller as standard, and the liquid ring vacuum pump is equipped with stainless steel disc/impeller.

●High strength, durable, and improved pump corrosion resistance

●Unique flexible exhaust port design, no over-compression, ensuring the best efficiency of the KLRPV series in its performance range

main application:

●Space simulation

● Vacuum drying

● Vacuum dehydration

● Vacuum degassing

● Vacuum packaging

●Vacuum melting

● Vacuum increase system

● Vacuum surface treatment

位于Schw?bischGmünd的凯森Kaysen泵业有限公司是 *的各种流体水泵和隔膜泵制造商之一。60多年来,凯森以“制造”的可靠性和质量达到了*标准。凭借我们全面的产品组合,我们支持 各地的客户成功掌握供水,采矿,工业,化工,造纸,电力,食品,制药,污水和海上行业的苛刻抽水任务。作为上述领域创新技术的*供应商,我们是液体需要安全,高效和经济运输的*合作伙伴。

凯森始终坚持“重质量,讲信誉”为宗旨。产品现 全国各地,并已逐步开发海外市场。公司多次被评为“重合同讲信用”企业,深得用户的信赖和广泛的赞誉。

The Kaysen Pumps GmbH in Schw?bischGmünd, Germany, is one of the world's leading manufacturers of fluid centrifugal pumps and diaphragm pumps. For more than 60 years, Kaisen has achieved the highest standards of reliability and quality of "Made in Germany". With our comprehensive product portfolio, we support customers around the world to successfully grasp the harsh pumping tasks of water supply, mining, industry, chemical, paper, electricity, food, pharmaceutical, sewage and marine industries. As a leading provider of innovative technology in these areas, we are the perfect partner for liquids to be safe, efficient and economical to transport. ,
Germany Kaysen always adhere to the "quality, stresses credibility" for the purpose. Products are selling all over the country, and has gradually developed overseas markets. The company has repeatedly been rated as "the contract with the letter" business, won the trust of users and extensive praise.
